Outside Pirates Adventureland is a blast, hilariously mismatched costume and all (yeah, the picture right above this...that's it). One of our shops has a built in hopscotch board in the front and I was told that whenever possible play hopscotch with the kids.
My roommates are so much fun and I love my apartment. Even more so I love the people here, it's the few that's aren't Disney obsessed that are weird. I was talking to my friend Zach and I told him that I wanted to do Imagineering and the internship I had looked at was helping build audio-animatronics. He then casually joked, Hey maybe you can fix the Yeti. The combined fact that A. he even knew what audio-animatronics were and B. it was common knowledge to him that the once proud and fearsome moving Yeti in Animal Kingdom's Expedition Everest has been broken for awhile and now is just a giant still creature with a strobe effect , made me realize just how much I was going to love it here.
Speaking of internships and Imagineering. When I signed up for my Engineering professional development I was informed that it is basically an 8 week interview with Disney engineering, no pressure there, but I'm really excited it doesn't start until October 11th so I'm just taking the time to enjoy myself and focus on getting really comfortable with Adventureland which is good.
I'll post more later, but basically I'm having the time of my life and Celebrating everyday.
^ That mouse is my boss
Steph, I LOVE that you are blogging all this. I wish I had known about it sooner! What fun to read about all your exciting thoughts and experiences -- Keep posting and I'll keep reading. Love you! Andrea